About Kildemoes - Rhythm - b2b - DK
A Propos

Bianchi is one of the leading brands on the international market in the cycling sector and it boasts more than 130 years of history started in 1885
Bianchi, with its historical Italian brand, is a performance bicycle company characterized by product driven technology, Italian design and global market.
Bianchi offers to the market a complete range of models for Road, MTB, City-Fitness, e-Bikes and accessories to meet the needs of all cyclists. All frames are designed and developed inside the Bianchi headquarter in Treviglio (Bergamo, Italy), same as all graphics and colors combinations.
With its Reparto Corse (Racing Department), Bianchi led the way with race proven geometry and technology as the market changed from steel to aluminum and then titanium, and now to the most advanced material: carbon.

Vores mission
Vi ønsker at bidrage til et liv i bevægelse – som også er vores payoff. Vi ønsker at støtte familier og børn især, så de finder glæde ved at køre på deres cykel hver eneste dag. Hvad er bedre end følelsen af frisk luft i ansigtet, vind i håret, lyden af fuglesang, og friheden til at bevæge sig lige hvorhen man vil. Alt sammen med din egen krop og cyklen som den perfekte makker. Det er vores intention, at der skal findes en cykel til alle uanset alder og cykeltype (city, sport, hybrid, el osv.)
Our History
In 2017 we celebrate our 75th birthday in the Danish bicycle industry! In this time a lot has happened – both within the industry but also in our company. It all began during World War II in a small celler in Odense… In 1959 the company grew bigger and needed more space – and thus moved to the buildings of a dairy in Nr. Lyndelse. This is still our headquarters today. Along the way some other Danish bicycle brands were absorbed and adopted into our family – Everton is one example. In turn the Kildemoes family business was sold to Cycleurope, and with that new winds blew and we benefitted from a cooperation with our Nordic colleagues.
At one point we had the only Danish bicycle production site left within the country – and sad was the day, when we had to turn the key for this and say goodbye to loyal employees and colleagues through many years. That being said – the move to other factories gave us new opportunities to refine the design of our bicycles – which in the last years of Danish production was somewhat constrained because of an old-fashioned lacquering process due to old machines.
In a period of 75 year it is only natural that we have evolved and have had different CEOs. Today Flemming Chrone Rasmussen is our front figure. He leads us to a new exiting future and ensures that our products are up to date in all aspects, so we will continue to be the most preferred and the best-known brand in Denmark.

Coming up
This year is our 75th anniversary and we will celebrate all year. We also want to celebrate the anniversary with you, we will update you on our plans in due time. We are happy to enter this new year which is very special to us and will introduce new initiatives for 2018. We are very excited about it all, so we hope you will be too.