Kildemoes is about Danish tradition, happiness and quality. Kildemoes is Danish tradition because the brand name has deep national roots.
Kildemoes is happiness, because the brand stands for a high-perceived quality, a healthy lifestyle and allows for positive experiences in the city and nature.
Kildemoes is quality because the brand gives a bit more than you expect when it comes to functionality, comfort and innovation.
The Kildemoes bicycle became a brand during the 80’s and the means were dominant presence on television with the first nationwide TV commercials. The last 20 years the communication has been that Kildemoes is the bike that talks to your senses.
Refined design and sophisticated technology is communicated through experiences and moods, so not only do customers think that Kildemoes is the best bike – they FEEL it. This has helped Kildemoes to fulfill the strategy of becoming the number 1 bicycle brand on the Danish market and a Danish Superbrand.
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